No more lives of suffering for an uncertain outcome

What is animal testing

Animal testing is a method in which, with the use of different procedures we test products to ensure if they’re safe for human use. These products vary from beauty products to household cleaners and even medication or vaccine tests. Currently, the BUAV or the British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection also known as cruelty free international has classified animal testing as a “Cruel, unreliable and even dangerous” practice.


Animal experimentation is manifested in different scopes, we as humans are always exposed to use a product that has been tested on animals before, either if it is your favorite makeup, a medicine you need, your clothing or even just for entertaining a public . Throughout history, animals have been used for biological understanding, this is due to the fact that they have a similar physiology to human beings, and testing how they may react to certain substances can provide more information about how the reaction might happen to us. 

Recently, criticisms have been made regarding these solutions to improve our integrity mostly because of the bad management that has been discovered in some companies. In a contemporary society animal testing is no longer needed,therefore no living organism should suffer any kind of cruelty since it is unethical, it does not always work, its waestfull, archaic and unnecessary.

The purpose of this project is to prove that animal testing is not as needed as it is believed and there are other alternatives than can be used to avoid the suffering of animals through these processes. All of this is going to be based on the characteristic empathy of each individual. By taking into account the moral and ethics of the society a point of view against animal experimentation is going to be exposed to make people reconsider if it is actually needed  on how are their feelings towards the topic. This will be done after doing an exhaustive research from a biological and philosophical point of view that will be later uncovered. An indagation is also going to be done to propose new ideas that have been tested to avoid the use of animals.

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